Lutherie Postmoderne
Alexis Emelianoff
Help Make the Next Wave
I am working on fundraising to advance the following projects. I regularly apply for public arts grants, however the process is time consuming and in order to make a bigger impact, I have to fund others to work as a team.
I welcome any kind of contribution: financial support, equipment, sponsorship, invitations to research opportunities.
Please see the individual project pages for more information.
The next version of the Sprachpümpe (Speech Pump vocal prosthetic) requires more advanced signal processing and electronics development to become a robust and fully wearable device. The best person for this job is in Montreal, but the challenge is to pay his technician's fees.
This was first conceived as a disability technology for Jonathan Sterne, who has difficulty projecting his voice because of a cancer that damaged his vocal cord. We can do disability technology and much more, by making the Sprachpümpe accessible to those in the general public with similar medical issues as well as theatre and music performers.
With my mentor and collaborator, Ramin Zoufonoun, I am making efforts to preserve and extend the rarefied practice of Persian-tuned Piano. Ramin has devoted so much to archiving and interpreting historical recordings of Morteza Mahjoubi, and wishes to shift his practice from piano technician to music teacher. He is the single most valuable person who can transmit this music to the contemporary arts scene. However is is struggling with the economic conditions of living in California. We would like him to travel to Montreal so we can work together, and focus on future recording projects. I hope for more advanced financial support for Ramin so he can establish his own school.
Montréal was previously a haven for artists and it was possible to find affordable spaces to live and work, until the past few years.
A housing crisis seems to have taken across the world, and I found myself pushed out of my own home of 12 years, after the resident landlords decided to excavate a basement under the building to expand their own living space. It's hard to accept the absurdity and cruelty of this situation. I am seeking a new living space with possibility for a studio. Any leads?